Monday, November 10, 2008

Tribute to Sisters

Me and My sister, Lisa
It is so wonderful to have a sister to shop with, talk to, lean on, cry with, etc. Lisa and I are the best shopping pals. Over the weekend we went to the Gateway and found some great deals. I love it when we find a new favorite shop! We are partners in crime. I hope everyone appreciates having a sister(or sisters) as much as I do. We rely on each other so much.
Love you Lisa. By the way, this pic is several years old, but it is one of the best ones of us together. Everyone give your sister a big hug today!!


Jenny said...

You two are enablers! Feeding off of each other's shopping addiction! ;0) Just kidding!

Sisters ARE great and I feel lucky to have more than one.

I love that pic of you two!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful picture of you both! You guys are an awesome example to us all and I love ya both! I hope that I will have the same kind of relationship with my sisters when I am all grown up

.Mandi Kae. said...
