Saturday, March 14, 2009

More Eagle pics

Eagle Buds!
End of the night frolics.

Gran DeSpain, Matt, Aunt Lisa

Bruce, Matt, Gran Mednick

Our family!


PK said...

What a special night for your son and your family. I know that when each of my sons got their eagle award it was wonderful to know all they had to do to get that award and that they had gone out and done it. Granted some of them kind of waited until the last minute, but they each did put forth the effort that it took to earn that award. I'm glad that I now have 6 Eagle Scout sons, one Eagle Scout son-in-law, and one Eagle Scout husband. From the dedication and effort that they put out for the Eagle, I know that for other things that they feel strongly about, they will put forth dedication and effort to accomplish those things too. Congratulations Matt and to your whole family (I know it wasn't done alone!)

Jenny said...

The pics are so fun. I think the pic of all the boys is a cute one. All the others are pretty good, too!

Stef said...

That was a great night! Congrats to bub...remember how I bought him that special eagle card, haha yeah I totally forgot about it. Remind me to give it to him! It couldn't have been done without you, I know it wasn't easy...kudos to you ma!