Friday, November 12, 2010
God Works in Mysterious Ways
A little over a year ago I attended the Oquirrh Mtn. Temple Open House with my entire family(even my inactive husband). The end of the tour led us to the Celestial Room. I can't even begin to explain how spiritually overwhelming this experience was-to be in this room with my entire family! It is something I have prayed and hoped for for such a long time. Even though it was just the open house and the Temple had not been dedicated, it was a wonderful preview of what could some day be for real.
Fast forward to October 30th when my son and our entire family(minus only my husband ) were able to attend the Temple together for his endowment session prior to going on his mission. If anyone had told me at the Open House that this reality could be possible in such short of time, I never would have believed it. But , due to some extroadinary events that happened this year, i.e.; My two youngest daughters getting married and sealed in the Temple and my son making up his mind to go on a mission, it all has become a reality.
It was such a joyful day for me and again the spirit was overwhelming and I lost my composure a little bit in the Celestial Room-thinking back to that day a year and a half ago, when it seemed a dream.
I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for such tremendous blessings this year and also to my children for the choices that they have made to enable us all to be at this amazing place in life!!!
This year God has proven in so many ways that He does work in mysterious ways!! Never give up hope!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Missing "Miss Sally"
She was the first one to welcome me into the neighborhood 28 years ago.
She was my mentor when I started working at Jacque's preschool.
She was my next door neighbor.
She was my children's nursery leader, primary teacher, young women's leader.
She was the Relief Society President.
She was a leader, a friend, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a listener, a helper.
Sally was someone EVERYONE loved and admired. She was everybody's friend.
Sally was diagnosed with terminal cancer almost 5 years ago, but you would never know it if you
hadn't been told. She lived her life no different after finding out than she did before. I would still see her smiling and helping others, never dwelling on her own malady. She would be out mowing her lawn up until just a couple of months ago.
Maybe this is why the news of her final moments and passing has had such an impact on me. Because she
was always bright and cheery and doing things for others, I didn't see her pain and I was accustomed to her always being here, being Sally. I didn't ever think that I would be someone who would regret leaving things unsaid when a loved one passed. I do now. I didn't take as many opportunities to visit her and let her know I cared and was thinking about her, especially the last month or so when I sensed something was going on. I was so focused on my own little world and my hectic life this past year, that I didn't stop to keep in touch with her as I should have. In a way, I guess I was fearful of what to say to her. I would occasionally ask her how she was feeling, but I didn't go the extra mile. I haven't really had anyone close to me be diagnosed with a terminal illness. I didn't quite know what to say. I didn't realize that her time was nearing an end. I didn't get to say goodbye. I feel like such a poor example of a neighbor and friend.
My mind has been flooded with quotes and song lyrics that describe Sally. The one I really love is the one from the musical "Wicked" titled "For Good". Excerpts below: It was actually referred to at Sally's funeral as well.
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...
Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better
And because I knew you...
Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good...
I can't believe that her light is gone, and yet I don't really think it will be. The light that comes from seeing her and talking to her will be gone, but the light of her being, her example lives on in the hearts of all she came in contact with and can never be dimmed.. She made an impact on everyone who knew her. There aren't alot of people in the world that you can say that about. I've been privileged to know her, to work with her, to live next to her, to be associated with her in some small way.
Her passing has made me look inward at myself and realize that I want/need to be a better person. I want to be positive instead of negative. I need to stop letting my fear and insecurities keep me from reaching out to others. I need to tell my family and friends more often that I love them. I need to be happy. I need to be an example of Christ's love. I don't ever want to have regrets again. I can honor her memory by trying to spread her light. I can't be Sally, but I can definitely strive to be better. That is the impact you have left on me Sally.
Goodbye, dear Sally. I will miss you here on earth. I hope that I will live a life worthy to see you again someday.
She was my mentor when I started working at Jacque's preschool.
She was my next door neighbor.
She was my children's nursery leader, primary teacher, young women's leader.
She was the Relief Society President.
She was a leader, a friend, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a listener, a helper.
Sally was someone EVERYONE loved and admired. She was everybody's friend.
Sally was diagnosed with terminal cancer almost 5 years ago, but you would never know it if you
hadn't been told. She lived her life no different after finding out than she did before. I would still see her smiling and helping others, never dwelling on her own malady. She would be out mowing her lawn up until just a couple of months ago.
Maybe this is why the news of her final moments and passing has had such an impact on me. Because she
was always bright and cheery and doing things for others, I didn't see her pain and I was accustomed to her always being here, being Sally. I didn't ever think that I would be someone who would regret leaving things unsaid when a loved one passed. I do now. I didn't take as many opportunities to visit her and let her know I cared and was thinking about her, especially the last month or so when I sensed something was going on. I was so focused on my own little world and my hectic life this past year, that I didn't stop to keep in touch with her as I should have. In a way, I guess I was fearful of what to say to her. I would occasionally ask her how she was feeling, but I didn't go the extra mile. I haven't really had anyone close to me be diagnosed with a terminal illness. I didn't quite know what to say. I didn't realize that her time was nearing an end. I didn't get to say goodbye. I feel like such a poor example of a neighbor and friend.
My mind has been flooded with quotes and song lyrics that describe Sally. The one I really love is the one from the musical "Wicked" titled "For Good". Excerpts below: It was actually referred to at Sally's funeral as well.
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...
Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better
And because I knew you...
Because I knew you...
I have been changed for good...
I can't believe that her light is gone, and yet I don't really think it will be. The light that comes from seeing her and talking to her will be gone, but the light of her being, her example lives on in the hearts of all she came in contact with and can never be dimmed.. She made an impact on everyone who knew her. There aren't alot of people in the world that you can say that about. I've been privileged to know her, to work with her, to live next to her, to be associated with her in some small way.
Her passing has made me look inward at myself and realize that I want/need to be a better person. I want to be positive instead of negative. I need to stop letting my fear and insecurities keep me from reaching out to others. I need to tell my family and friends more often that I love them. I need to be happy. I need to be an example of Christ's love. I don't ever want to have regrets again. I can honor her memory by trying to spread her light. I can't be Sally, but I can definitely strive to be better. That is the impact you have left on me Sally.
Goodbye, dear Sally. I will miss you here on earth. I hope that I will live a life worthy to see you again someday.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Matt received his mission call. It only took 3 weeks! Oh the anticipation! He is going to the Mexico Puebla Mission! Yay! He wanted to learn a language and preferably Spanish! He leaves January 5, 2011 and his mission farewell is scheduled for .......December 26th at 9:00am! He wants to try to change it, but I doubt it will happen, so mark your calendars!
It seems like such a long time to wait, but I know it will seem like it will be here tomorrow! So much to do and get ready! We are all so happy and proud of him for his decision to go! I am gonna brush up on my spanish so I can write to him, or interpret if he writes in Spanish!
He also was ordained an Elder in our home the week before. Two awesome events!
Te amo mi misionero!! Pics will be posted soon!
It seems like such a long time to wait, but I know it will seem like it will be here tomorrow! So much to do and get ready! We are all so happy and proud of him for his decision to go! I am gonna brush up on my spanish so I can write to him, or interpret if he writes in Spanish!
He also was ordained an Elder in our home the week before. Two awesome events!
Te amo mi misionero!! Pics will be posted soon!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The TWINS are HERE!!
Wow! Can't believe it has been almost 3 months since the twins were born and I am just now blogging about them. I will start with how it all unfolded. June 28-July lst I was scheduled to be at Girl's camp as the camp co-director. I had warned all the people involved that I would do this, but if the twins came, I would be gone! Kinda of hoping to scare them so that they would call someone else to the position-haha! Maybe even secretly hoping something would happen if I did do it and I could leave camp early! With twins, I knew anything was possible. Monday, June 28th we set up camp. I would check my phone frequently to see if anyone had called to say anything was happening with Jenny. Everytime I checked -nothing. Same thing on Tuesday, June 29th, everytime I checked, and I was quite faithful at checking every hour or so, still nothing. I had been keeping my phone by me at night just in case. Well after keeping a vigilant watch for any messages or calls I may have missed and not receiving anything, I decided on the night of the 29th to just turn the phone off for the night to save the battery.
I awoke about 6:30 am Wed, June 30th and decided to go ahead and take a shower since no one else was stirring.(Yes, we were lucky enough to get a camp with nice showers!) I turned on my phone to check for messages, nothing! I was actually getting a little discouraged at this point because I really was kind of hoping that I would get "the call" that something was happening so I could leave camp early!( haha) I went ahead and turned the phone off and headed to the shower.
After showering, I proceeded to gather supplies to get started with breakfast. I went ahead and woke the girls up, we cooked breakfast, ate it, and were starting to clean up when.........the YW Presidents phone beeped that she had a message. "Who would be calling me"she questioned. She read her message outloud----"Have Sister Maycock call her family as soon as possible, she may have grandbabies soon"! "No way" I yelled. "Someone is playing a trick on me", I exclaimed! I really didn't believe it at first. Then I went to go check my phone, which I hadn't checked since before my shower. I turned the phone on, sure enough there was a message that had come in around 5:30 am that Jenny was headed to the hospital. Then another one that said the twins were already here! Why this message didn't show up when I checked my phone earlier, I don't know. I began to be nervous and anxious! I screamed and jumped up and down for joy! Everyone said, you have to go, you have to go! I started packing with tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe I had missed it all, but I knew I would have to head straight to Cedar City and hurry and get there. About 5 hours later, I met my two new angelic grandbabies! Yay! Here they are!
Ava Grace 4 lbs. 15oz.
Wyatt Jacob 5 lbs 8 oz.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Stef & Todd are Married!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
I am trying to update, I really am!
Yes, girls, I know I still need to do more updates. I was trying to go in chronological order and add pics and everything, but for some reason my pics will not upload. I keep getting the message that the site is not a good site when i try. Therefore, I need one of you to help me figure out what to do before I update more. What fun are updates without pics? Help me, help me!! I am dying to add photos to go with my updates!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
My Baby Girl Graduates from SUU
Mandi and Jordan got to graduate together!!
My baby girl graduated the first weekend in May from SUU in Cedar City with a bachelors degree in Communications! I can hardly believe it-the past three years have sure flown by. Now that she is married, she and Jordan will be making their home in Salt Lake for a couple of years. He initially got offered an internship with the Utah State Tax Commision for 3-6 months, so they moved up here, but then he got offered a great job and they will live here for awhile.
The celebratory crew! |
Monday, May 31, 2010
The past 5 months have been a whirlwind!!
So, I've already blogged about my oldest daughter expecting twins, and my second oldest daughter getting engaged-well, to add to all that exciting news read on!! Things just keep getting better and better!
Sometime in Feb or March, I was called as the Girls Camp Director(actually-c0-director)!! Now normally, this is a calling that I would run from, but I just couldn't say no knowing that I needed extra blessings to get the twin babies here safely. So, against my inner anxiety about the calling, I accepted.
In March, my youngest daughter, Mandi, got engaged!! Yay! Now this one I was not expecting! She has been dating Jordan for over two years, but I thought she was going to wait at least one more year-SURPRISE!!
Now how in the world can I possibly have time to plan 2 weddings and plan girl's camp? I don't know, but we'll see how it all works out! Needless to say that I have been overworked, overstressed, and brain overloaded lately. Not to mention also having to work full-time(which I am not used to). So much to do, so little time---aaaggghh!
It surely must be wedding season this year. Alot of my kids' friends have gotten or are getting married and two nephews and two nieces and my best friend's daughter!! Man, what is in the air?? haha
Now all of this may seem like such good news, right? Well, it is(except the camp director call), however, I have even more news that fills my heart with JOY! My son has finally announced that he does plan to go on a mission! YIPPEE!
MY JOY IS FULL!!! I just don't know how my life can get any better(well, maybe if I also had a new dream house)!! I am blogging from work and can't download pics, but will soon from Stefanie's wedding. STAY TUNED!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Fastest Answer to a Prayer - Ever!
So what do you do when your newly engaged daughter tells you that she just lost her ring at work-and she works in a hospital? I got down on my knees and said a good, long prayer. I knew her chances of finding it were real slim,but I knew her fiance could not afford another ring and I knew how depressed and upset she would be. I have lost 3 rings in the past couple of years(2 cost over a $l00, the other only $10-20), but I know how totally heartwrenched I was! She called me within an hour and found it on her way out the door after she had spent a couple hours looking in gross trash can after trash can, and had reluctantly realized there was no more she could do. This was honestly the fastest answer to one of my prayers ever!
Friday, February 5, 2010
View of the tropical, lush, green landscape. There were lots of horses, chickens, and pigs.
The "people movers" we rode in for our tours, very bumpy and windy rides.
Our guide telling us about sugar cane and holding a stalk of cane that they cut open and gave us all a sample. They also make rum from the cane and gave everyone a sample of it.
As we passed by the locals homes, the kids would run out shouting "hola" and wave.
Posing by the sugar cane.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Friday, January 22, 2010
Lovin' Life
Just a new update to relate what has been going on in my life recently. On Oct. 31st my mother-in-law(91) fell and broke her pelvis in three separate places. The first few days that we went to
visit she didn't look well. I thought that this might be the start of her decline. She almost ended up coming to my new work for rehab, but due to red tape, did not. She ended up having surgery to have a metal plate, held in with long metal screws, attached to her pelvis. The doctor was surprised that she opted for the surgery at her age, but she decided she didn't want to end up spending the rest of her days confined to a bed or wheelchair if she didn't have to be. She has been in a rehab facility ever since and is doing so well. She may get to be released the first or second week in Feb. My husband has been so attentive and devoted to her all this time. He visits her almost every single day!
Our Thanksgiving Feast was at my MIL's house, as usual, however, she was not in attendance. It turned out very yummy and all my children were able to be there except Jenny & her family. . It was just kind of a lackluster holiday, however, because no one really stayed to visit or play games. My family left to visit my MIL and when we came back, everyone was leaving. Jenny and her family were able to come visit the next day though.
Christmas was so exciting! All my children came to our house(plus a couple boyfriends), it was a packed house! My mom came up(she stayed at Lisa's). We had our big dinner on Christmas Eve, because Mandi had to leave to return to Cedar Christmas afternoon. Christmas is finally exciting again because of Hayley! It was so fun to see her open her gifts and her reactions! I received the best gift of all from Jenny. It was a little box and the last gift I opened. When I opened it I found small bottles of BABY shampoo, BABY lotion, BABY powder and BABY wash!!! I just looked at her and said "Are you kidding me"? I knew this meant she was announcing she was pregnant.!Of course no one else could see what was in the box and when Jenny affirmed that she was PREGNANT by saying she wasn't kidding, I jumped up and did a little dance and ran over and hugged her and everyone else didn't know what in the world I was so excited about. Obviously, when I realized what the gift meant, I couldn't control my excitement! We have been waiting and hoping for this news for such a long time. When everyone else finally figured it out, we were all jubilant!
A week or two later, I was surprised again by the news that we now were expecting TWINS!!!! We are so grateful and happy. Double Blessings!!
My good news and excitement doesn't end there!! On January 16th, my daughter, Stefanie, announced that she was engaged!!! Now we had been expecting this news for quite sometime, so
when she told me that Todd proposed(which she said in a very nonchalant way at the end of a long statement that had nothing to do with engagements), I wasn't really sure I heard what I thought I heard her say, so I exclaimed "No way!". She said "Yes he did", I replied "I don't believe you". She said, "Mom, he really did"! I guess due to the casual way that she threw it in at the end of the unrelated statement, I just really thought she was pulling my leg, so i said "You liar"! She finally had to put Todd on the phone to affirm that he did propose. Now i guess you have to know the long story of how long I have been expecting this news to understand part of my disbelief. Briefly, she moved back to Cedar in Sept. after having moved home from Cedar upon graduating from college in May. She moved back because her new boyfriend(since April of '09) was still going to school there and she felt that the realtionship was going well enough that she didn't want to have to continue it on a long distance basis. Ever since she moved back she had been talking about them talking about getting married. So, I got the impression it would happen not long after she moved back. All I can say is I am so glad and excited! yay-yay!
visit she didn't look well. I thought that this might be the start of her decline. She almost ended up coming to my new work for rehab, but due to red tape, did not. She ended up having surgery to have a metal plate, held in with long metal screws, attached to her pelvis. The doctor was surprised that she opted for the surgery at her age, but she decided she didn't want to end up spending the rest of her days confined to a bed or wheelchair if she didn't have to be. She has been in a rehab facility ever since and is doing so well. She may get to be released the first or second week in Feb. My husband has been so attentive and devoted to her all this time. He visits her almost every single day!
Our Thanksgiving Feast was at my MIL's house, as usual, however, she was not in attendance. It turned out very yummy and all my children were able to be there except Jenny & her family. . It was just kind of a lackluster holiday, however, because no one really stayed to visit or play games. My family left to visit my MIL and when we came back, everyone was leaving. Jenny and her family were able to come visit the next day though.
Christmas was so exciting! All my children came to our house(plus a couple boyfriends), it was a packed house! My mom came up(she stayed at Lisa's). We had our big dinner on Christmas Eve, because Mandi had to leave to return to Cedar Christmas afternoon. Christmas is finally exciting again because of Hayley! It was so fun to see her open her gifts and her reactions! I received the best gift of all from Jenny. It was a little box and the last gift I opened. When I opened it I found small bottles of BABY shampoo, BABY lotion, BABY powder and BABY wash!!! I just looked at her and said "Are you kidding me"? I knew this meant she was announcing she was pregnant.!Of course no one else could see what was in the box and when Jenny affirmed that she was PREGNANT by saying she wasn't kidding, I jumped up and did a little dance and ran over and hugged her and everyone else didn't know what in the world I was so excited about. Obviously, when I realized what the gift meant, I couldn't control my excitement! We have been waiting and hoping for this news for such a long time. When everyone else finally figured it out, we were all jubilant!
A week or two later, I was surprised again by the news that we now were expecting TWINS!!!! We are so grateful and happy. Double Blessings!!
My good news and excitement doesn't end there!! On January 16th, my daughter, Stefanie, announced that she was engaged!!! Now we had been expecting this news for quite sometime, so
when she told me that Todd proposed(which she said in a very nonchalant way at the end of a long statement that had nothing to do with engagements), I wasn't really sure I heard what I thought I heard her say, so I exclaimed "No way!". She said "Yes he did", I replied "I don't believe you". She said, "Mom, he really did"! I guess due to the casual way that she threw it in at the end of the unrelated statement, I just really thought she was pulling my leg, so i said "You liar"! She finally had to put Todd on the phone to affirm that he did propose. Now i guess you have to know the long story of how long I have been expecting this news to understand part of my disbelief. Briefly, she moved back to Cedar in Sept. after having moved home from Cedar upon graduating from college in May. She moved back because her new boyfriend(since April of '09) was still going to school there and she felt that the realtionship was going well enough that she didn't want to have to continue it on a long distance basis. Ever since she moved back she had been talking about them talking about getting married. So, I got the impression it would happen not long after she moved back. All I can say is I am so glad and excited! yay-yay!
So, as you can tell, many things happening over the last few months. Most of it all good. I feel so blessed and have such a great life. I love my family and I love being a mom and I especially love being a grandma!!!
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